Music therapy

Music is a language that can help express emotions when words fail us. Music therapy enables self-expression, provides a sense of accomplishment, as well as encourages genuine interaction and thus communication. Listening to music can help bring back important memories or help identify or deal with emotions in a constructive way. Music therapy can alleviate problems with concentration, verbal communication, body control or other sensorimotor problems. Taking part in music therapy requires no musical skills from the client.

Usually music therapy is just one part of rehabilitation and the therapist collaborates with other professionals treating the client (doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, teachers etc.). Music therapy can also be used as the only treatment form. We can provide music therapy at our premises or in the client’s own environment: home, school, kindergarten or institution. Music therapy as teletherapy is also possible.

Get to know our music therapists.

Methods used in music therapy may include listening to music, playing an instrument, singing, improvising, discussion, painting the music, composing etc. Methods are chosen individually to support individual therapy goals.

Music therapy methods can include:

  • GIM: Guided imagery and music – a music psychotherapy method
  • music therapy to alleviate problems with communication or/and self-expression
  • playing or composing with figure-notes
  • using assistive technology in making music
  • vibro-acustic therapy

Please contact us if you have questions about music therapy.

Music education for people with special needs

Music is meant for everyone. Almost anyone can learn to play music meaningful to themselves by practicing carefully. The figure-notes method that can be used in special education enables almost instant playing of melodies and chords, no matter how inexperienced the player is. Later on, it’s possible to move from figure notes to traditional notes, depending on the client’s abilities. Reading notes enhances eye-hand coordination and establishing reading direction. Playing gives experiences of accomplishment, awakens emotions and helps develop concentration, body-control and motor skills.

For music therapy, please contact us.